Protecting today's digital consumers
In this report, SOSA and FinTLV partner with InsurLab Germany to discuss the steps that organizations, and the insurance industry in particular, can take to protect digital consumers from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. The report presents strategies and technologies that can help organizations shore up their cybersecurity infrastructure, provide recommendations for how individuals can protect themselves from cyber criminals, and showcase innovative technologies dedicated to fighting cyber crimes.

The adoption of digital technology has led to a new era of consumerism, with digital commerce in Germany reaching a record EUR 141B by the end of 2022. Unsurprisingly, there has been a subsequent surge in cyber crime, with malware attacks rising by 358% beginning 2020.
It’s clear that the progression of digital technology, translates directly into the crucial need to invest significantly in combating cyber crime. By understanding past cyber attacks, uncovering structural vulnerabilities, and investing in innovative technologies to prevent attacks, organizations can begin to build a roadmap that ensures the protection of their digital consumers.